Saturday 26 April 2014

Impulse purchases

I bought some seedlings at the supermarket. Leek, beetroot, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, pak choy and two types of salad.  

There were rather more plants per bundle than I expected so it's all quite tightly packed now. But I can always thin out some of the baby vegetables to eat when they're young and tender.

Friday 25 April 2014

Hot stuff

I transplanted this chilli plant into the raised beds before going overseas. It's done so well that we can be sure that the irrigation system is working.

There are new flowers and lots of new fruit. I was worried by the fruit turning black but they're green underneath and apparently it's a stage in them turning red. Fingers crossed! 

Thursday 24 April 2014

Doing the rounds

I had some unexpected time in the garden over the Easter weekend. Just enough time to check on the vegetables, build up a bit more of the log retaining wall at the back of my natives border and to weed the kikuyu from the border in front of the house. 

Here's pictures of the raised beds for my mother-out-law so she can see what her hard work helped to produce. 

And here's the pups around the base of one of the succulents that my father planted. They're really thriving. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014


Sunday 20 April 2014

Rainbow Season

The strawberries have gone,
Asparagus is done.

The night is almost cold,
The leaves are turning gold. 
Gardens have few flowers,
Sunshine comes with showers. 

The season of rainbows.

Saturday 19 April 2014


We came home from our holidays to a bountiful harvest so we're fairly sure the newly installed irrigation system worked effectively in our absence. 

The celery and spring onions were so large that I needed a bucket to bring them upstairs. 

And I've got so much curly kale and silver beet that I'm going to swap with a neighbour for eggs (our chickens are laying elsewhere again). 

There's a basket of limes too, ready for juicing and to add flavour to a fish curry - our new Good Friday tradition?