Friday 7 January 2011

Winter Warmer

I've asked James to crochet me a hat to keep me warm on our forthcoming trip to the UK - and next winter, just in case our renovations haven't progressed far enough by then. We picked up some interesting yarns at Spotlight this morning - my new favourite shop.

But whilst you're waiting for a picture of the hat, here are some knitting art from the Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, especially for Helen.

Knitting is cropping up in all sorts of odd places across New Zealand - just look at the yarn-bombers in Christchurch. Will crochet take off soon too?

1 comment:

  1. I tried a bit of crochet the other day, but I think I need a bigger hook :) I may have to stick to knitting!

    I love the knitted daffodils. It reminds me that Spring is on its way! (Even if I did have to de-ice my car AGAIN this morning!)

    Thank you for dedicating the photos to me!

    Helen xx
